Saturday, January 10, 2009


I don’t smoke…. I don’t booze… I don’t have any other bad-habits and I never even had a girl friend…. Most of us will be proud of this and the number will increase if I remove the last line (no girl friend).I am telling this so confidently because I have a lot of friends (fortunately r unfortunately) who fall under this category and they are very happy.
I have a serious doubt i.e. down the lane when we get older and when we see our children trying all these things at some point of time we may feel that what is there in all these things a and why didn’t I try any of these things in my teens. Did I miss something which I should have at least tried?
If you get this thought then at that point of time you cannot do any thing.
(coz u cant bunk classes even if u wish, u cant lie to your parents, cant go to late night parties etc….)
Most of the people don’t try these things because they feel that these are bad and they may get addicted to these things , but if we are confident about our-selves then we wont get addicted to any thing.
How can you say that our life is complete without trying all these things (I don’t say we have to get addicted, just have a FEEL of them).
How can u say that I have enjoyed my life without tasting the puff of cigarette on a rainy day or never even tasted a sip of vodka and lastly how can one miss the sweet fights and late night messages of a girl friend.
I have mentioned a few of them but there are lots n lots of other small things which we may regret later on in our lives if we don’t do them.
I have decided that at least I will try to do some from these from the wish-list.