Thursday, January 7, 2010

2 States:

This is my second blog in as many days and now this is about a book from one of my favorite author's Chetan Bhagat.Suddenly I am feeling whether I am becoming a critic(the other day I wrote something about 3-idiots movie and now I write about a novel)no more thoughts let me start how I felt after 2-states.
As I have already mentioned Chetan is my favorite author and his book 5-point someone is the one book which is very close to my heart.So after that book I have read all his 3 books but unfortunately he could not create the same magic again.
What interested me the most about 2-states there were some rumors that it was chetan's real love story.
I straight away bought the book and started reading and as all other Chetan's novels it was a page turner, I really enjoyed the first half of the book where Krish(hero) fall in love with Ananya(heroine) and he goes to her home town to woo her parents so that they both can get married with the approval of their parents.
As always the love scenes were narrated pretty well and were very interesting but the second of the book was pretty boring and you feel as if you are watching an old bollywood movie the things are predictable and a lot of drama.
When u reach the last part of the book u will start counting pages(atleast I have done it when can I finish).But it not all boring there are some scenes even in the second half of the book which will bring a smile on your face.The comic analogies drawn by the author were awesome(as is the case with his previous books).
But at the end I felt that Krish has tried a lot to get Ananya's love and he was more disturbed when they both break-up for sometime that part was a major drawback in this novel(at least which did not sound realistic).
I felt the reason why they both get united after the break-up was not realistic and if that was changed than the book would have been even better.
I can conclude that this book is good in parts but on the whole it is not up to the mark.(probably I am becoming over critical by comparing all chetan's books with his 5 point someone)-my opinion the book is pretty average.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"3 Idiots" really

When I started writing blogs,the first promise I made to myself was I need to write atleast one blog per month but I am writing almost one per year(thank god I have not initially thought of writing one per year than I would have ended with only one blog in my whole life).
At last I am adding one more to my tally and this time it is different I am writing something on a movie(I don't want to call this as a movie review I want to express my opinion on the movie),and the name of the movie is 1 Intelligent Guy(3-Idiots).
I never thought of watching 3-Idiots movie because I was a big fan of 5 point someone and I was very sceptic like how these guys(Aamir 40+ and madhavan close to 40's) can justify a teenagers story.But I went to watch it on the first day.
My First Impression of the movie was awesome I really enjoyed each and every scene of the movie but once I reached home and started thinking of that movie(I usually have this habit)I felt is the title of the movie justified.

From the start of the movie I could see only 2 idiots in search of their friend(intelligent guy-none other than Aamir),the main theme of the movie was Aamir Khan and each and every character was revolving around him.This is what happens with any of the bollywood movie,but I was disappointed because the hero of the movie was AamirKhan(who has done "Rang De Basanthi") where each and every character has equal importance and even Siddharth's character dominating Aamir.
Like all Hirani's previous movies there was "ALL IS WELL" which was good.
I have no doubts in saying that the movie was an out and out entertainer but I was disappointed because in both the previous movies of MunnaBhai series the theme was central and the characters were revolving around it but in 3 idiots it was contrary where Aamir has become the central and the story was built around him.
Aamir has played his role to perfection(as always) and even others have done a great job but there little or no emphasis given to the theme(U need to enjoy what you are studying not merely doing it for the sake of degree or for a good job).And he was looking good in the movie expect in a couple of close shots where he was looking old.
Sharman Joshi has got a good role(where his role was almost the same from the novel which was not the case with Madhavan) and the interview scene was awesome.
Madhavan has played his role pretty well but unfortunately his role lacked the importance(when compared to the other 2 idiots)
Kareena had a very small role and she was good.
Chatur was the outstanding and all others played their parts well.And there was mm(millimeter) similar name like circuit in munnabhai,he was good.
Music was good(I never expected that Shantanu Moitra's style would suit for this kind of a movie but he has an outstanding job).
I was a bit disappointed with Raju Hirani(may be I was expecting a lot from him) on the whole the movie was good I feel it could have been better if they would have gone with the theme rather than doing it in a commercial way(After all the caption of the movie was :"Choose Excellence Success will follow")I think which they have not done.