Saturday, December 20, 2008


I just want to ask one question---> How happy r u??
I just asked the same question to myself, the answer was a bit sceptic .What I feel is everyone will have lots of dreams and lots of goals(I too feel it,there is no meaning of life if we don't have a goal), and we constantly try to achieve them, and the mean time while achieving that we have to put lots and lots of hard work and at times we may have to sacrifice lot of things to achieve that and in the mean time we may even lose our focus and seriously feel is it achievable and even after that we continue fighting, we may reach our goal.
Is that the ultimate thing of our life.Is it what for we have made a lot of sacrifices,then even after achieving that are we really happy.....
Because most of the things which we feel as ultimate,may not seem the same after we achieve them(Grass on the other side is always greener).
After achieving one goal,we want to explore more and more we want to set new targets to achieve and in between we just don't see what we are missing in our life.

Is happiness not a goal which we want to achieve in our life, is it not important!!!
Is it not worth to strive to be happy. So what i seriously believe is before setting any goal if we just ask one question that whether we are happy or not??? and is happiness the price what we are paying to achieve our goals, and is that worthy enough? if so there is no problem in doing that.

The only motive in writing all this is just to say that what ever we may achieve in our lives if we are not happy then it's useless.

For me personally the greatest thing in my life is to be happy(that is the goal which i have)
That doesn't mean that i am not happy now but i just want to be happy always that is the goal of my life.


  1. nice thought!!! let the dreamsnthoughts keep flowing....

  2. Im wid u.. the path to d goal or the goal itself should be so fulfilling that all the difficulties faced in the process disappears in front of it.....

    Read the fourth article called thought for the day in the blog above and tell me how creepy it is that both our opening sentences are the same!!!!!!!!how alike are we?---Madhu

  4. everything dat you do in your life ...finally boils down to only one thing...a feel of "satisfaction" which gives you "happiness".

    Very much true my dear! I accord with ur feelings.

    I dont know some ppl crave for small and petty things which gives them satisfaction and some ppl look for eternal happiness may be like peace or sumffin.

    some ppl bask in their past glories and never care about the future and they...feel alwasy contended with what they have done or achieved. and some ppl are always on the run for doing something and achieve something palpable by ppl.

    a person too hungry gets anything to eat will eat it voraciously, same simile with a frustrated guy or girl, gets any godamn figure will try to quench off their libido. Their pleasure senses are satiated for a moment.

    the above example is jus said to give a sense of wat u are getting every day is much much better than many you gottu be very happy. Be it sometimes momentary, but its worth it. After all AS rightly POINTED OUT
    IF you dont be happy with wat you are doing or with what you are then..ITz USELESS!!!

  5. baga rasav ra item ga....chese pani lo aa KICK lekapothe waste!!! life ni asalu enjoy cheyalem...edo mechanical ga vuntundi and at the end of life we feel we just by passed it...itz equally imp that we're happy doing it...
    hoping to hear more from u...
